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Hey, I’m Morgan.

Curiosity connoisseur
Passionate podcaster
Motherhood maven
Wholehearted writer
Soulful speaker


Flourishing is about thriving in every aspect of life.

It’s the pursuit of well-being, fulfillment, and joy. As you navigate my resources, I encourage you to reflect on what flourishing means to you and how you can cultivate a life that resonates with your values and aspirations.

Our habits, relationships, and mindset are essential to growth. My writing, podcast, and content all point to ways to build a life where you don’t feel like you’re just surviving, but flourishing.

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16 years of motherhood and 8 years of entrepreneurship have taught me a thing or two about failure, heartache, joy, and the courage required to show up time and time again. Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here, with a renewed sense of what is possible when we decide to take back the life we’re meant to live.


Favorites from the blog


Your permission slip to half-ass it

Somewhere along the way, we’re no longer encouraged to get messy. Grades become a big deal, coloring in the lines is encouraged, and thinking outside the box is looked down on. This type of thinking makes us believe that if we’re not doing something perfectly it’s not worth doing. I’m calling BS. Some things are so great to do, even if it’s half-assed.

oxygen and aquariums

I knew that this was coming. At least I suspected it would. The whir of the oxygen machine, the light from the monitors illuminating her little body in a big bed. Bags of saline and medicine and food hang from the iv pole, like a medical jellyfish. Sea turtle decals on the doors and large pictures of the ocean on the bathroom wall.

Why Your affirmations aren’t working

I want to share with you what works and what doesn’t when it comes to affirmations, especially if you’ve consistently employed your affirmations every day and aren’t seeing any progress toward what you’re calling in. It can be mega frustrating to not be able to figure out how to make the damn things work already.

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